Work hard...Party harder!!!

Wednesday, September 08, 2004


Hi all,
i am into a new thing altogeather..roadgeeking!! wondering what it is? check out
and you will know what road geeking is all about! i have been truly fascinated by the US interstates and recently have been reading about them about how they were constructed and in the process came across this site and realized i was a roadgeek myself. i think maps are great sources of information and real fun to read. its even better to read them if you are travelling. here is some interesting conventions about the US interstates...all even numbered interstates run east to west and odd numberes interstates run north to south. the 3 digit interstates(3di) are generally near cities and the last 2 digits belong to their parent I264 springs from I64. the 3 dis are generally loops or spurs or bypasses. spurs have a odd number and loops and bypasses have even numbers(though this is not strictly followed) there are lot more interesting facts which can be read in kurumi!! If any of you come across something else do lemme know...Id appreciate that!
happy roadgeeking

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